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Friday, July 30, 2021
Episode 129 of Doctor Who: Panel to Panel released
August 2021 Previews Listings
Nothing new from Titan Comics for October, but here are the newest Doctor Who comic-related items coming out that month! Make sure and let your friendly local comic shop know what you want!
Saturday, July 24, 2021
Doctor Who Comics Panel - Comic-Con@Home2021
If you're missing going to conventions after the pandemic San Diego Comic-Con has you covered! On Friday a whole slew of panels were posted on youtube including one from Titan Comics about the latest Doctor Who comic Missy. Featured on the panel were writer Jody Houser, colorist Enrica Angiolini and editor Jake Devine talking about the making of this latest Doctor Who comic as well as teasing what may be coming in the future! Head on over to youtube and check it out for yourself.
July Previews Listings
Rather quiet for July... Here are the listings from Panini regarding their Doctor Who-related items available for preorder in the latest issue of Previews!